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CLICK HERE for the complete list of our ODD SHAPED TANKS and their dimensions.



 Standard tank prices include: (3) 1/2" - 2" NFPT Spin-Weld fitting (friction welded, national female pipe thread). Typically all you need is an inlet, a discharge and a vent fitting.

Fittings that are not included in the standard tank price:

  • Additional FPT Spin Welds @ $5 each
  • 3" Cleanout with Cap - $15.00
  • Diptube discharge kit - $35.00 -A custom length Diptube is created by adhering a PVC pipe to a MPT x Slip fitting that threads into a 1-1/2" FNPT spin-weld fitting on the tank. The pipe is measured to sit approx 1/2" from the bottom of the tank, making it a very efficient way of evacuating your tank. Both a straight and a 90 degree hose adapter option is included with this kit (not glued). *Use PVC Primer and Cement to finish*

Freight is not factored into the standard tank price! Shipping options will be provided upon checkout.

All tanks take up to 20 business days to ship.

Holding Tanks Are Exempt From Any Free Shipping Promotions.


November 2016: The EPA has reviewed Washington State's petition and has determined that a no discharge zone (NDZ) can be established for Puget Sound. The EPA found that there are adequate facilities in Puget Sound for vessels to pump out their sewage with this initial determination and are accepting public comments. EPA will prepare a final determination after the public comment period of 30 days.

What does this mean to recreational boats? There are about 2,000 to 4,000 recreational vessels in the Puget Sound area that have a federally-approved treatment system called a Type I or Type II Marine Sanitation Device (MSD) These systems will have to be isolated or the MSD be removed and add a holding tank. Any vessel that has a marine toilet must have a holding tank under the NDZ.

Here is the Proposed No Discharge Zone
